
IHR Index - 19 capacities

Progress (Pakistan)

Data Source: PMC, JEE Report,WHO

Over All Progress

Joint External Evaluation IHR-19 Capacities Score JEE Score
PREVENT National legislation, policy and financing
Indicators Score
P.1.1 Legislation, laws, regulations, administrative requirements, policies or other government instruments in place are sufficient for implementation of IHR 2
P.1.2 The state can demonstrate that it has adjusted and aligned its domestic legislation, policies and administrative arrangements to enable compliance with the IHR (2005) 3
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IHR coordination, communication and advocacy
Indicators Score
P.2.1 A functional mechanism is established for the coordination and integration of relevant sectors in the implementation of IHR. 3
Antimicrobial resistance
Indicators Score
P.3.1 Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) detection 1
P.3.2 Surveillance of infections caused by AMR pathogens 1
P.3.3 Healthcare associated infection (HCAI) prevention and control programs 1
P.3.4 Antimicrobial stewardship activities 1
Zoonotic diseases
Indicators Score
P.4.1 Surveillance systems in place for priority zoonotic diseases/pathogens 3
P.4.2 Veterinary or Animal Health Workforce 3
P.4.3 Mechanisms for responding to zoonoses and potential zoonoses are established and functional 2
Food safety
Indicators Score
P.5.1 Mechanisms are established and functioning for detecting and responding to foodborne disease and food contamination. 2
Biosafety and biosecurity
Indicators Score
P.6.1 Whole-of-Government biosafety and biosecurity system is in place for human, animal, and agriculture facilities 2
P.6.2 Biosafety and biosecurity training and practices 2
Indicators Score
P.7.1 Vaccine coverage (measles) as part of national program 2
P.7.2 National vaccine access and delivery 4
DETECT National laboratory System
Indicators Score
D.1.1 Laboratory testing for detection of priority diseases 4
D.1.2 Specimen referral and transport system 3
D.1.3 Effective modern point of care and laboratory based diagnostics 2
D.1.4 Laboratory Quality System 2
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Real-time surveillance
Indicators Score
D.2.1 Indicator and event based surveillance systems 3
D.2.2 Inter-operable, interconnected, electronic real-time reporting system 2
D.2.3 Analysis of surveillance data 2
D.2.4 Syndromic surveillance systems 4
Indicators Score
D.3.1 System for efficient reporting to WHO, FAO and OIE 2
D.3.2 Reporting network and protocols in country 2
Workforce development
Indicators Score
D.4.1 Human resources are available to implement IHR core capacity requirements 3
D.4.2 Field epidemiology training programme or other applied epidemiology training programme in place 3
D.4.3 Workforce strategy 2
RESPOND Preparedness
Indicators Score
R.1.1 Multi-hazard National Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan is developed and implemented 1
R.1.2 Priority public health risks and resources are mapped and utilized 1
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Emergency response operations
Indicators Score
R.2.1 Capacity to activate emergency operations 2
R.2.2 Emergency Operations Centre operating procedures and plans 2
R.2.3 Emergency operations programme 3
R.2.4 Case management procedures are implemented for IHR relevant hazards 2
Linking public health and security
Indicators Score
R.3.1 Public health and security authorities (e.g. law enforcement, border control, customs) are linked during a suspect or confirmed biological event 3
Medical countermeasures and personnel deployment
Indicators Score
R.4.1 System is in place for sending and receiving medical countermeasures during a public health emergency 4
R.4.2 System is in place for sending and receiving health personnel during a public health emergency 4
Risk communication
Indicators Score
R.5.1 Risk communication systems (plans, mechanisms etc.) 1
R.5.2 Internal and partner communication and coordination 2
R.5.3 Public communication 2
R.5.4 Communication engagement with affected communities 2
R.5.5 Dynamic listening and rumour management 3
OTHER Points of entry (PoE)
Indicators Score
PoE.1 Routine capacities are established at PoE. 2
PoE.2 Effective public health response at Points of Entry 2
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Chemical events
Indicators Score
CE.1 Mechanisms are established and functioning for detecting and responding to chemical events or emergencies 2
CE.2 Enabling environment is in place for management of chemical events 2
Radiation emergencies
Indicators Score
RE.1 Mechanisms are established and functioning for detecting and responding to radiological and nuclear emergencies 5
RE.2 Enabling environment is in place for management of radiation emergencies 5