Select Indicator
3.1.1 - Maternal Mortality Ratio
3.1.2 - Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel
3.2.1 - Under-Five Mortality Rate
3.2.2 - Neonatal Mortality Rate
3.3.1 - Number of new HIV infections per 1,000 uninfected population, by sex, age and key populations
3.3.2 - Tuberculosis incidence per 1,000 population
3.3.3 - Malaria incidence per 1,000 population
3.3.4 - Hepatitis B incidence per 100,000 population
3.3.5 - Number of people requiring interventions against neglected tropical diseases
3.4.1 - Mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease
3.4.2 - Suicide mortality rate
3.5.1 - Coverage of treatment interventions (pharmacological, psychosocial and rehabilitation and aftercare services) for substance use disorders
3.5.2 - Harmful use of alcohol, defined according to the national context as alcohol per capita consumption (aged 15 years and older) within a calendar year in litres of pure alcohol
3.6.1 - Death rate due to road traffic injuries
3.7.1 - Proportion of women of reproductive age (aged 15-49 years) who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods
3.7.2 - Adolescent birth rate (aged 10-14 years; aged 15-19 years) per 1,000 women in that age group
3.8.1 - Coverage of essential health services (defined as the average coverage of essential services based on tracer interventions that include reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases and service capacity and access, among the general and the most disadvantaged population)
3.8.2 - Number of people covered by health insurance or a public health system per 1,000 population
3.2.1.a - Infant Mortality Rate
3.8.1.a.1 - Need for Family Planning satisfied with Modern method
3.8.1.a.2 - Antenatal care , 4+ visits
3.8.1.a.3 - Child immunization (DPT III, Penta III)
3.8.1.a.4 - Care-Seeking behaviour for child pneumonia
3.8.1.b.1 - Tuberculosis treatment coverage
3.8.1.b.2 - ARV Therapy coverage
3.8.1.b.3 - LLIN coverage for malaria
3.8.1.b.4 - Population using safe sanitation
3.8.1.c.1 - Normal blood pressure
3.8.1.c.2 - Population With normal glucose level
3.8.1.c.3 - Cervical cancer screening
3.8.1.c.4 - Tobacco non-smoking
3.8.1.d.1 - Hospital beds against the threshold
3.8.1.d.2 - Essential medicine, vaccine and commodities
3.8.1.d.3 - Physicians, Psychiatrists, Surgeons (Density Against Threshold)(%)
3.8.1.d.4 - IHR Index - 19 capacities
3.9.1 - Mortality rate attributed to household and ambient air pollution
3.9.2 - Mortality rate attributed to unsafe water, unsafe sanitation and lack of hygiene (exposure to unsafe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for All (WASH) services)
3.9.3 - Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning
3.a.1 - Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco use among persons aged 15 years and older
3.b.1 - Proportion of the population with access to affordable medicines and vaccines on a sustainable basis
3.b.2 - Total net official development assistance to medical research and basic health sectors
3.b.3 - Proportion of health facilities with essential medicines
3.c.1 - Health worker density and distribution
3.d.1 - International Health Regulations (IHR) capacity and health emergency preparedness
3.d.2 - Percentage of bloodstream infections due to selected antimicrobial-resistant organisms
1.a.2 - General Government Health Expenditure
2.2.1 - Prevalence of stunting among children < 5 years
2.2.2 - Prevalence of wasting in children < 5 years
2.2.3 - Prevalence of overweight in children < 5 years
5.2.1 - Proportion of ever-married women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to physical, sexual or psychological violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by form of violence and by age
5.3.1 - Proportion of women aged 20-24 years who were married or in a union before age 15 and before age 18
5.3.2 - Proportion of girls and women aged 15-49 years who have undergone female genital mutilation/cutting, by age
5.6.1 - Proportion of women aged 15-49 years who make their own informed decisions regarding sexual relations, contraceptive use and reproductive health care
6.1.1 - Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services
6.2.1 - Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services, including a hand-washing facility with soap and water
7.1.2 - Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technology
11.6.2 - Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (population weighted)
13.1.1 - Average death rate due to natural disasters
16.1.1 - Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population, by sex and age
16.1.2 - Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population, by sex, age and cause
Pakistan at a Glance
Indicator Heat Map
Impact Indicators
Universal Health Coverage
Process Indicators
Other SDG Indicators
Achievements Toward SDG3
Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population, by sex and age
Progress (Khyber-pakhtunkhwa)