Coverage of essential health services (defined as the average coverage of essential services based on tracer interventions that include reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases and service capacity and access, among the general and the most disadvantaged population)
Coverage of tracer interventions
Coverage of tracer interventions for prevention and treatment services
Health systems
Tracer interventions for promotion and prevention services include: family planning coverage (need satisfied), antenatal care (at least four visits), vaccination, non-use of tobacco, improved water source, adequate sanitation and other locally relevant coverage indicators Tracer interventions for treatment services include: skilled birth attendance, antiretroviral therapy, tuberculosis treatment (case detection and treatment success), hypertension treatment, diabetes treatment, pneumonia treatment in children and other locally relevant indicators
Number of people receiving the intervention
Number of people who need the intervention
World Bank
By equity stratifier: sex, age, socioeconomic position, geographic; by type of indicator (child full immunization, ARV therapy, TB treatment, hypertension treatment, skilled birth attendance, etc);